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Minggu, 09 September 2012

Joyful Learning

In the article of joyful learning said that:
Learning to Learn is the key skill of the twenty first century. In a rapidly changing and uncertain world it has to be the most important element of the curriculum, and I am quite clear that it should be the goal of every school to ensure that all pupils leave knowing how they learn best, ready to face a lifetime of learning with confidence and enjoyment.

so for Question


- Apa niat kita berada di sekolah?
- Sudahkah yang kita lakukan selama ini sesuai harapan?
- Relakah kita tetap berada di jalan ini walaupun terjadi kendala/kesulitan?
- Untuk apakah sebenarnya anak-anak belajar?
- Bagaimana proses belajar dan mengajar
 a mechanistic view of education:
   Get them in --> Get them taught -->  Get them through their exams --> Move them on -->to the next stage

 Pupils will:

1)develop a positive attitude to learning and be encouraged to believe that they can be successful;
2)develop high self-esteem and self-worth and learn how to relate this to target-setting and affirmations;
3)develop thinking skills and demonstrate how these can be transferred across the curriculum;
4)identify their own learning style and illustrate how new ideas can be explored to cater for this individual learning style;
5)gain knowledge of some of the latest research into the function of the brain in learning and how to work, where possible, with the brain’s most natural style of learning;
to be cont's

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