
Membaca membuka cakrawala berpikir,menulis pengikat ilmu dan warisan kan dikenang

Minggu, 30 September 2012

Tawuran: Siapa yang Salah?

Bagian buram pendidikan kita!
a part of our uncontrolled education!

Siapa yang salah? Who's fail?
Parent? Teacher? Principle? Government or Community?
Anak-anak kita telah bercerai dengan ruh pendidikan. Cerdas akal dan cerdas hati. Bright of brain and bright of heart. So far it seem to have distance from objective education building.
Where are we now? What's our contribution to them? ask to our selves!

Remember are:
Sensitivities toward moral teaching
Responsibility inside a task 
Commitment how to action best
Evaluation no stop
All of the above attempted only for students and education.